Thema Lutherstätten

Cloister Helfta

Cloister Helfta


The cloister of St. Mary was known in the 13th Century as the crown of German cloisters, famous because of the scientific work of the nuns and their mysticism. Three women founded Cloister Helfta : 


Mechthild von Magdeburg (*1207 +1282)

Mechthild von Hackeborn (*1231 +1291)

Gertrud (The Great) von Helfta (*1256 - +1302).


Their spiritual work remains of influence to this day. After 450 year nun of the same order live in Cloister Helfta again.  


For Information:


Kloster St. Marien zu Helfta

Lindenstr. 36

D-06295 Eisleben

Tel: 03475 711 500

Fax: 03475 711 555